Soil and Water Conservation

Prevention and control of soil loss through watershed management in watersheds to reduce sedimentation of rivers, aquifers and prevent land degradation. Improving soil efficiency and moisture management.

By adopting an integrated watershed approach in a comprehensive manner, the scheme will serve to promote environmental restoration, conservation, sustainable livelihoods and enhance agricultural productivity.

The scheme will help to reduce siltation in multipurpose reservoirs, prevent land degradation by adopting soil conservation measures in catchment areas, reduce soil erosion and conserve topsoil, enhance crop production and farmer income.

The World Bank will provide the funds utilized under this scheme in the form of 100% subsidy for 7 years.

The scheme will be used to flatten the hilly areas and make them suitable for agriculture by using Bull Dozers and JCBs.

Micro Irrigation:

Micro irrigation is a modern method of irrigation that uses drippers, sprinklers and foggers to deliver water to crops. It has many benefits: Increase crop yield and quality: Save water and electricity Reduce fertilizer use and runoff and allow farmers to grow crops that are not possible with conventional systems Increase farmers' income Micro irrigation is an effective way to conserve water and reduce water use.